Friday, March 12, 2010

Think of a Wedding in Ireland

Irish Toast

Health and a long life to you.
Land without rent to you.
A child every year to you.
And if you can't go to heaven,
May you at least die in Ireland!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Ireland is also known as the Emerald Isle
because of its beautiful green countryside.
Rolling farmlands, which are mainly pasture,
cover much of the central part of the country,
and mountains rise near the coasts.

Large numbers of young people in Ireland once remained
single and lived with their parents until they were over the
age of 30. Farmland and jobs were scarce, and few young
people could afford to marry and raise families. However,
marriage practices have changed, and today young people
marry earlier than they did in the past.

The Roman Catholic Church has long played a major role in
Irish social life. Almost every Irish city has a Catholic cathedral,
and nearly all the towns and villages have a Catholic church.
Most people attend church regularly.

Many of the Irish enjoy visiting their neighborhood pub (public house).
People gather in the country's pubs to drink beer and whiskey, talk with
friends, and listen to music.

The favorite alcoholic drink in Ireland is beer. A type of beer called stout
is especially popular. The Irish use barley malt to make Irish whiskey,
a world-famous liquor. A drink called Irish coffee is made with coffee,
Irish whiskey, brown sugar, and cream.

One of Ireland's most famous dishes is Irish stew. This dish is made by
boiling layers of potatoes, onions, and pieces of mutton in a covered pot.
Another traditional Irish meal consists of boiled salt pork, cabbage, and

Many people consider the Irish to be exceptionally warm-hearted and friendly.
The Irish also have a reputation for hospitality, close family ties, and skill as
writers and storytellers.

It sounds like a wonderful place for a Wedding!

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