Friday, October 1, 2010

Wedding Customs

Many wedding
customs have
been popular
since ancient
For example,
Roman brides
probably wore
veils more
than 2,000 years ago.
Bridal veils became popular in the
United Kingdom and the New World during
the late 1700's.
The custom of giving a wedding ring dates
back to the ancient Romans. The roundness
of the ring probably represents eternity,
and the presentation of wedding rings symbolizes
that the man and woman are united forever.
Wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger of the
left hand is another old custom. People once thought
that a vein or nerve ran directly from this finger
to the heart. An old superstition says that a bride
can ensure good luck by wearing "something old,
something new, something borrowed, and something blue."
Another superstition is that it is bad luck for a bride
and groom to see each other before the ceremony on their
wedding day.

After many weddings, the guests throw rice at the
bride and groom as a wish for children and good fortune.
Rice was once a symbol of fertility, happiness, and long life.
The bride may toss her bouquet to the unmarried female guests.
The woman who catches the flowers will supposedly be the next
to marry. This custom probably started in France in the 1300's.
The bride may also throw her garter to the unmarried men.
The man who catches it will supposedly be the next male to marry.

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